تحلیل ساختار روایت در نگارة استقبال امرای تیمور از مهد اعلی خانزاده بر اساس الگوی کنشی گریماس

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 کارشناس ‌ارشد پژوهش هنر، دانشکده هنر، دانشگاه سمنان

2 استادیار، گروه پژوهش هنر، دانشکده هنر، دانشگاه سمنان



روایت شناسی علمی نسبتاً نوبنیاد است که به درک مناسبات، ساختارها و دستور زبان حاکم بر روایت می‌پردازد و ریشه آن در ساختارگرایی است. ساختارگرایان در روایت شناسی به دنبال بررسی نظم و کشف تناسبات‌ درونی در روایت، روابط و پیوندهای موجود بر عناصر سازندة‌ داستان و توضیح نظام حاکم بر گفتمان روایی هستند. روایت شناسی را پراپ آغاز کرد و پس‌ازآن گریماس که از پایه‌گذاران معناشناسی-ساختارگراست، با مطالعة معنا و ساختارهای مرتبط با آن، الگوی کنشی خود را که بر پایة چگونگی استفاده از مفاهیم زبان‌شناسی که در تحلیل متون استفاده می‌شود، ارائه داد تا توجه را از نشانه به‌سوی معنا تغییر دهد. گریماس معتقد است از سطح بیرونی باید عبور کرد و به لایه‌های عمیق در متن وارد شد تا هم ساختارهای سطحی معنادار و هم ساختارهایی که در عمق متن پنهان‌شده‌اند را بتوان یافت. در این تحقیق نگاره‌ای از نسخة ظفرنامه تیموری (935 ه.ق) بر اساس الگوی کنشی گریماس تحلیل شد. هدف از این پژوهش مطالعه چگونگی همخوانی بصری و کنشی نگاره‌ها با الگوی گریماس است. سؤالات اصلی تحقیق عبارت‌اند از: 1. تحلیل ساختار روایت با توجه به عناصر کنشگر تصویری در نگارة مورداشاره چگونه است؟ 2. تبدیل توالی زمانی به‌توالی مکانی در تصویر با توجه به روایت به چه صورت است؟ 3. آیا نگارگری را می‌توان همانند متن به شیوة ساختارگرایی بررسی کرد و با الگوی گریماس مطابقت داد؟ روش تحقیق، با استفاده از الگوی گریماس و جمع‌آوری داده‌ها بر اساس مطالعه منابع مکتوب و اسنادی تحلیل انجام‌شده است. نتیجه پژوهش نشان داد الگوی گریماس قابلیت انطباق با نگارگری را دارد و هر نگاره با ساختار روبنایی و زیربنایی در ساختار تحلیل می‌تواند به‌عنوان متن مستقل عمل کند، همچنین مطالعة ساختار زنجیره‌های دلالتی برای یافتن معنای نگاره و تبدیل توالی زمانی به‌توالی مکانی در تصویر و تأثیر آن بر شکل‌گیری نظام کلی در ساختار روایت بصری ملاحظه شد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Analyzing the Structure of the Narrative in the Image of the Reception of the Princes of Timur from Mahd Ala Khanzadeh Based on Greimas's Action Pattern

نویسندگان [English]

  • Bita Mesbah 1
  • Sepideh bayat 2
1 MA Student in Art Research, Semnan University, Semnan
2 Assistant Professor, Art Research Program, Semnan University
چکیده [English]

Narratology is a new science and deals with the understanding of the relationships, structures and grammar governing the narrative, which is rooted in structuralism. Structuralists in narratology seek to investigate the order and to discover the internal proportions in the narrative, the relationships and links existing on the elements that make up the story and explain the system that governs the narrative discourse. In this process, Propp and Greimas, relying on the method of narratology, pay attention to face analysis, and people like Genet have analyzed the tone of the narrative. Propp initiated narratology and was able to create special narrative patterns for folktales that deal with the functions in the development of characters and their relationships. He concluded that although the people and characters of these stories and their actions are diverse, their roles are limited and fixed.                                                                                                                        Following that, Greimas, who is one of the founders of structuralist semantics, by studying meaning and structures related to it, developed his action model based on how to use linguistic concepts that are used in the analysis of texts, to shift attention changed from sign to meaning. Greimas believes that it is necessary to cross the outer surface and to enter the deep layers of the text in order to find both the meaningful surface structures and the structures that are hidden in the depth of the text. In the Greimas's model, every narrative system is divided into six actors, which include sender/receiver/subject/object/restraining force and helping force. The sender sends the actor to follow the target and orders the execution of the command. The receiver is the one who benefits from the action or does not benefit from it. The object is the value object and the subject and goal of the action. The restraining force prevents the actor from reaching the goal and the assisting force helps the actor to reach the goal. The subject is the central element of the story. Greimas proposed three categories of dual oppositions, the six actors that are defined are divided into three categories of pairs of oppositions, each of which forms an axis of action (demand/power/sending); the axis of desire: (subject/passive), the axis of power: (helping force/inhibiting force) and the axis of sending: (sender/receiver).The subject and object pair is the most fundamental pair. Greimas's method is compatible with the method of semantics, and the narrative is made up of passages that must be understood in order to understand the text, and based on this, three syntactic rules are defined, which include executive, contractual, and disjunctive chains. In the analysis of ontology, according to the opposing pairs, three categories of human beings are defined and their role is checked whether they are active or not, and are present in the action or are likely to be present in the action. It is also determined whether they are active or not and whether they are conscious or unconscious in action. In the temporal and spatial sequence, which is one of the main elements of the narrative, how to change the temporal sequence to the spatial sequence is defined. In this research, a picture of Timurid version of Zafarnameh 935 was analyzed based on the action pattern of Greimas. This version is one of the most important books of the Timurid period and is based on a true narration and the follow-up in its details can be cited and the results of the analysis can be accurate and also the relationship between the text and the picture is clear and the content of the pictures according to the traditions that Greimas has in mind are close and the text and the picture have a deep connection. Despite the importance of this version, no complete research has been done on it based on the semantics of the pictures. The purpose of this research is to study how the visual and action patterns match with the Greimas's pattern. The main questions of the research are:1- How is the analysis of the structure of the narrative according to the elements of the visual activist in the mentioned picture? 2- What is the conversion of time sequence to place sequence in the image according to the narrative? 3- Can the painting be examined in the same way as the text in a structuralist way and conform to the model of Greimas? The research method is analysis using Greimas's model and data collection based on the study of written and documentary sources. The result of the research shows that the pattern of Greimas can be adapted to painting and each image with superstructure and underlying structure in the structure of analysis can act as an independent text. Also, the study of the structure of denotative chains to find the meaning of the image and the transformation of the temporal sequence into the place sequence in the image and its effect on the formation of the overall system in the structure of the visual narrative was considered.                                                                                                                                          

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Greimas
  • Action Pattern
  • Zafarnameh Timuri
  • Narrative Structure
  • Persian Painting
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