The patterns of Abry-Mary arabesque in Safavid period

Document Type : Research Paper



Among the traditional designs used in various arts, sometimes there are motifs that have not been seen, but they have their own particular value. One of these motifs is the Abry-mary (Cloud-snake) arabesque that is of great visual values. Studies show that these motifs came to be used in abundance on the Safavid era book covers, so that they became one of the commonest motifs   of this period. However, few studies have been dedicated to introduction of its types, variety of forms and its compositions with other motifs. The authors have attempted to pursue composition and geometrical structure of the motifs in the context of decorations of the Safavid period book covers. Accordingly, the research questions have been as follows: 1- Where did the Abry-Mary arabesque motifs stand with regard to the composition in decoration of the Safavid period book covers? 2- How was the structural diversity of these motifs? The research method has been descriptive-analytical based on library sources and qualitative analysis.
The results show that these motifs followed two symmetrical and asymmetrical systems in form, and were used to decorate the covers depending on pattern’s location, and to fill the space in the composition. At the same time due to their free and wavelike movements rendered the monotonous and closed compositions of the traditional motifs, more active and dynamic. Abry-Mary motifs were most commonly used as symmetrical structures in repetitive designs on the margins or in the form of   or   on the center of the book cover. Motifs with asymmetrical structure were used more freely among other elements of design and in composition. They were also used for filling the empty spaces which attests to the more complexity in the relationships of motifs in the Safavid period.


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