Decryption analysis of Moa’qali scripts in two rotating scripts of the word Ali (AS) in Nim Avard School in Isfahan and in Yazd Central Mosque


1 Associate professor of the Department of Visual Arts, Art University of Isfahan

2 Associate Professor of Islamic Art

3 عضو هیئت علمی دانشکده هنر و معماری شیراز


The main objective of the present study was to explain proliferation features of Mo’aqali (masonry script) “rotating scripts" in accordance with examples of historical value. A type of Mo’aqali script made of repeated circular words (rotating scripts) was analyzed in this study. This is in fact a masonry script that was called Mo’aqali scripts by traditional architects. These scripts are found in many forms from triangular to polygonal shapes with a set of features such as: symmetry, interlocked letters, expansion and three-dimensional effects. This study was conducted using a descriptive-analytical and developmental method with a set of data collected through library methods and field observations. Visual analysis was performed using cognitive maps. The sample of rotating scripts was selected from two rotating scripts, one with four repetitions of the word Ali (AS) in Nim Avard School in Isfahan and the other with six repetitions of the word Ali (AS) in Yazd Congregational Mosque. The findings of the study suggest the design of these two scripts and other rotating scripts, including those found in Qavamoddin Shirazi buildings and constructions follow the same rules. Using these rules, it is possible to draw new scripts and images in different forms. If the number of sides of images and the number of words within them increase, the resulting letters and words become vague and illegible. To compensate for this shortcoming, the number of circles forming the image must be increased. In this process, the center of the image is extended and the letters placed in the central circle are drawn with a different shape and this is necessary for the formation of letters in central and peripheral circles. In addition, in four-sided images, by eliminating a quarter of the image, and connecting the second and third parts together, it is possible to form images with three-dimensional effects.


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