The Inscription of Shir o Shekar (Milk and Sugar) Zarih of Imam Raza from Theological Principles of Shia

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA of Art Research, Faculty of Architecture and Arts at the University of Kashan, Kashan, Esfahan.

2 Professor of Art Research , Alzahra University, Tehran.

3 Assistant Professor, and Faculty Member of Art Academy, Tehran.


Zarih is an exclusive Shia structure, for which the ornamentations and inscriptions are carefully selected from the Shia believes views.  Shir o Shekar (Milk and Sugar) was the fourth zarih that was placed on esteemed Mausoleum of Iama Reza (P.B. U.H.) on February 13, 1960 (mid of month Shaban). This zarih was designed by Mohammad Taghi Zofan and Abolhasan Hafezian supervised it and researched for selection of the inscriptions of the zarih. The inscriptions of this zarih contain Suras of Ya Sin, Al-Insan, divine names, Hadiths describing Imam Reza's grandeur, and the names of the Fourteen Infallibles, mostly inscribed by beautiful Thuluth script. Some changes have been made in the inscriptions owing to the reformations of the zarih, so that some of the inscriptions have been replaced with metal Arabesque forms, and some of the divine names were removed from the Zarih crown. However, other inscriptions have not born so many changes.
In this paper, it is tried to explain Shir o Shekr zarih in details as well as to mention the changes caused by the performed reformations. The question is if there has been any specific reason for selecting the inscriptions of the zarih, containing Ayahs, divine names, and hadiths in attribute to Imam Reza's grandeur as well as Shia people believes.
This paper is in descriptive analytical method and gathering of data and images were done in case and library study. The result showed that the texts inscribed on the zarih were based on the knowledge of the nature of the Ayahs and Hadiths and the pilgrims will make relationship with the zarih and specially the buried holder of them both visually and spiritually.


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