Carpets of flowers Shah Abbas Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (AS)

Document Type : Research Paper


MA handi craft with degree traditional draw and paint of Soore art university


The Razavi Holy Shrine is one of Iran’s most notable religious places. Due to the importance of this shrine to Muslims, the best Iranian decorations and traditional art forms have been employed in this shrine to create a spiritual atmosphere. Art has been employed in its most sublime form. A carpet is an art form which not only beautifies a place, but also lines its floor. The carpet patterns in the Razavi Holy Shrine have been designed in harmony with the other decorations therein. The Shah Abbasi floral motif is a common rug pattern used in decorations in general and in the Razavi Shrine in particular. These rug decorations are the very best examples of Mashhad rugs. The diversity of Shah Abbasi patterns used in Mashhad carpets can be well distinguished in the Razavi Shrine rugs. This study aims to examine a particular type of the Shah Abbasi motif used in Mashhad rugs. Following this goal, we try to answer the question flowers in carpets Shah Abbasi Reza shrine in Mashhad, what are the features? The required information was collected through the library and field methods. This is by nature a descriptive-analytic study. The obtained results showed that in the Razavi Holy Shrine, 90 percent of the “Khatai” main patterns were filled with Shah Abbasi flowers, a typical feature in the Shah Abbasi motif. The diversity and appearance of these flowers are exclusive to Mashad rugs and cannot be observed in the rugs woven elsewhere. In fact, these floral patterns can rightly be called “Mashhad Shah Abbasi patterns”.


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