Investigation of factors affecting the process of design and artistic attitude in the face of the book images processing Qabus-name

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Arts, School of Art and Architecture at the University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Mazandaran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Mazandaran


The faces in Qabus-name have the significant difference with other examples of Islamic art illustrations. The distinctive design style in Some Faces components such as Eyes, lips and mouth, hair which led to the formation of a special case, have a Signs of the presence of a specific style in the artist's work that originated In addition to the impact of the text. As well as Rooted of the historic, social and political Complex Tabarestan area during the period.
This article aims to examine ways of portraits in this book from the perspective of Persian art, to explain the reasons for its influence on the analytical method and samples available deals.
Finally, this result is achieved: The portrayal of the characters was Iranian figures in addition Contains the hidden characteristics of other cultures designes.


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