Studing of decorative characteristics of Kermanid artists stucco works in Ilkhanid until beginning of the Timurid Era

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Archaeology, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 PH. D. Candidate of Art Research, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

3 M.A in Archaeology, Art University of Isfahan, Shiraz, Fars, Iran


Ilkhanids, is a title that name to Holaku’s successors and they ruled modern iran and also part of around lands from about 633 A.H to 756 A.H and governments like; AL-e Mozafar, AL-e Injuid, AL-e Kurt some, contemporary to them and by accepting Ilkhanids or appearance weakness of their power ruled on part of their territory, when Iranian arrived to the governmental system, due to their support from arts and artists and different types of arts such as stucco, arts hade a remarkable development and growth. In this period, We can see beautiful stuccos mihrabs and inscriptions that were ordered by rulers and governors to be used in mosques, shrines and mausoleums Which Were made by famous artists of different families. In the meantime kermani artists, played an important role in creating valuable stucco works such as Mihrab in Ilkhanid until beginning of the Timurid era and became one of the most important artist Families in this field. Therefore purpose of current research in the first place is identifying Kermani Plasterer artists and the introduction of signatured and also attributed to the distribution of artists and their work in Ilkhanid until beginnin of the Timurid era. and then study the characteristics of visual works, in order to access specific characteristics that are decorative. Methods of Data collection are library studies and field studies and works documentary. Research approach is historic – comparative. We found out that works of Kermani artists have special decorative and structural charactistics. For example: adorned spandrel of all the Mihrabs and some of their stuccoed panel with rounded form, border of this round form with spandrel perimeter wall, using of Khataei flowers that have common decorations, setting a fixed place for inscription recording with artist’s name and date of construction of Mihrabs and etc. That distinguish them from other artists. 


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