Location of production Islamic potteries thesaurus Naranjestan Qavam in Shiraz with the implementation of similar examples, samples (10 Pottery)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. in Islamic Art in Kashan University, lecturer in Shiraz University, Shiraz, Fars, Iran

2 Academic Staff, Research of Art, Art Faculty, Alzahra University


Bringing together the remaining works of our ancestors in thesauruses, that we call museums today, is our tribute to their efforts, works that are thought-provoking and pleasing to the eye, and achievements of Iranian taste and thought which bear a rich and fertile culture. The sites of some of these collected works in thesauruses are unknown since they are confiscated from traffickers of historical objects, or suchlike, and finding these sites seems necessary. Several works in the thesaurus of the Naranjestan of Qavam in Shiraz, some of which are Islamic era potteries, are among these examples. Therefore the surveys conducted showed that no research has been done in this field to find the original location of these works and the place of their production still remains unknown. This study is intended to respond to this question: Pottery objects on public display in the thesaurus of the Naranjestan of Qavam represent which pottery center? This study is conducted in regard to the historical and cultural significances of this issue and with the aim of identifying the manufacturing places of several potteries in the thesaurus which is in fact a step towards clarification of the history of pottery in this land. The statistical population included 10 samples of pottery objects in the thesaurus which production place has been identified based on library sources by using a descriptive-analytical method and a comparative approach to the similar cases in various museums around the world. In studies conducted on the similar samples with respect to the common time of their making, the study considered the most similarities in potteries; at the end of the research and following the studies, it was concluded that based on library research, as well as the similar examples in museums, production time and places of the pottery objects can be estimated and the uncertainties surrounding some of the museum objects may be considerably clarified. Four pottery objects from statistical population belong to the Nishapur pottery center, one belongs to Turkey, another object to Iraq, one object possibly belongs to Kerman pottery center, and three objects belong to pottery centers in Sultan Abad, Ray and Mashhad.


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