Publication Ethics

The Ethical Principles of Publication of Papers

The Obligations of the Editor in Chief:

  • The ethical principles of the Negareh Journal with regard to the obligations of the editor in chief are based on the instructions of the Committee on Publication Ethics, and endeavor to improve its quality
  • This is the responsibility of the editor in chief to make the final decision about the publication of the submitted papers and their merits based on the passed laws.
  • This is the responsibility of the editor in chief to oversee the papers with regard to their consistency with the policies of the editorial board and their merits based on the passed laws.
  • The editor in chief is to oversee the content of the papers regardless of the race, gender, religion, origin, and political aspirations of the authors.
  • The editor in chief is forbidden to disclose any information about the submitted papers except to the corresponding authors and the publisher.
  • The reviewing process is double-blind, with author's names withheld from reviewers and reviewer's names kept from authors.


Obligations of Reviewers:

  • Reviewing of the papers must be based on scientific facts and sufficient reasoning, expressed clearly and coherently, and devoid of personal views.
  • Reviewers must declare if they are aware of any similarities or overlap between the papers which are being reviewed or have been published.
  •  The entirety of the available information in the papers must be considered confidential by reviewers and it is not to be declared, discussed, published, or in any way disclosed to anyone unless permitted by the editor in chief.
  • Specific information and resulting ideas must remain confidential during the reviewing process and must not be used for personal gains.
  • Reviewers, who feel they lack the required qualifications or delay their reviewing due to their busy schedules, lack of access to sufficient resources, etc, must resign the reviewing process.
  • Focus on the sources of papers is another one of the obligations of reviewers. All studies, topics, and citations must be fully referenced.
  • Reviewers must not accept to review the papers which are conducted to maintain the benefits of individuals, organizations and certain offices, or indicate personal relationships.


Obligations of Authors:

  • Authors must submit scholarly papers based on their own research achievements with a scientific expression in accordance with the Journal’s style guide.
  • Papers must be sufficiently detailed and referenced to allow other scholars to repeat them. False and fake statements are considered unethical and unacceptable.
  • Simultaneous multiple submission of papers to different journals and submitting previously published or accepted papers are against the laws.
  • Submitted papers by authors must be the result of their own work and any information taken from other studies must be referenced in the paper.
  • All individuals who have considerably contributed to the paper must be mentioned as co-authors or acknowledged as colleagues.
  • The primary author must make sure to include the names of all co-authors in the paper and that they all have read and approved of the final paper and consent to its submission to the journal for publication.
  • Should it come to authors’ attention at any stage, that there are any mistakes or imprecisions in their papers, they must inform the editor in chief or the publisher and either correct them or withdraw the papers.
  • Should authors be required, they must introduce and provide their raw data, interviews or questionnaires and all related sources used in paper.