Analyzing the heavenly effects of nature in the Holy Quran and its reflection in the works of Mahmoud Farshchian

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Shahed University Faculty of Arts

2 Painting, Art, Witness, Tehran, Iran

3 Islamic art,. art,. witness, Tehran, Iran



:The Holy Qur'an is a book of guidance for all eras that deals with all phenomena, all the teachings of the Qur'an are perfectionist and for the upliftment of human beings. It has also been mentioned that if more than 200 verses in the Holy Qur'an deal with paradise and its features and paradise in the form of: 1-Paradise of the Prophet Adam. meaning the place where he and his wife Eve lived before being transferred to the world and comfort Complete, enjoyed. 2- Paradise of the world means gardens and orchards that exist in the world before death. 3- Paradise of Purgatory, meaning the place of the souls of the virtuous in the world after death.4- The promised paradise is stated in the Hereafter. In the Qur'an and hadiths, features and attributes: the sky of paradise, Paradise earth, springs and streams of paradise, trees of paradise, inks and animals of paradise, colors in paradise, etc. have been expressed, and considering that nature is one of the objective manifestations of Iranian painting and has always had a place in Iranian paintings. Iranian nature finds nature in the form of a heavenly landscape, full of emotion and spirituality, and far from dominating its material aspect, it manifests itself in the eyes of the viewer. A manifestation that has been of special interest to the Iranian artist not only in painting, but also in all literary and artistic forms of Iran. Many contemporary Iranian painters have also considered this heavenly nature in their works, including Professor Mahmoud Farshchian (born january 24, 1930 in Isfahan) is a contemporary Iranian painter who has had a significant impact on the process of traditional Iranian painting and other traditional arts. His works have been exhibited in many cities around the world, such as Paris, New York, and Chicago. In 2014, he was awarded the Jihadist Medal of Honor in the field of culture and art. In his numerous works, he has paid attention to various manifestations of nature. It seeks to answer these questions: 1- How is the heavenly nature described and discussed in the Qur'an and Hadith?2- What is the reflection of the heavenly nature of the Holy Quran in the works of Master Mahmoud Farshchian?The present research method has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner and its data has been collected by searching library-documentary sources using books, articles, dissertations and Internet resources. Present research community: This article includes: three works by Master Mahmoud Farshchian that are thematically and structurally representing the nature of paradise. The method of data analysis is qualitative. Background studies, except for the author's dissertation, have not found a completely relevant background on the subject. And with a specialized analysis of his works, it can be seen that the heavenly nature is taken from the Holy Quran in the painting of Ascension (Figure 10), which narrates the story of the ascension of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The most important part of this painting is the circular composition Holds the hand and draws attention to the center of gravity of the work of the Prophet (PBUH).(Figure 10)The predominant and pervasive color is azure blue, which has influenced the spiritual expression, and the warm color of the Prophet's clothes attracts attention in the center of the work And appear as the promised paradise. In the painting of the martyr (Figure 8), Master Farshchian, influenced by the events of the holy defense and the sacrifices of the youth of Islamic Iran, has painted. In this painting, symbolic symbols such as six and seven can be seen. The body of the martyr, which is the seventh body, is perfect. The martyr in the center of the image is dressed in white, which is a symbol of holiness and purity And we represent the purgatory paradise in the painting of the martyr. In a painting by Simorgh (Figure 6), another work by Master Farshchian, which tells one of the stories of Attar Neyshabouri. Until after passing seven stages of a large group of birds, only"30 birds"remain.The circular composition with warm yellow color in the form of light directs the gaze to the center of the image. In this work, the design of birds and their colors, as well as the entanglement of their lively life, shows the association of heavenly birds. It shows that in the simultaneous combination of moving from the bottom to the top of the birds, we observe a kind of purgatory paradise, and by moving in a circular motion where the Simorghs reach the peak of the image, we imagine the promised paradise, And the paintings "Ya Zaman Aho"(picture number 2and4)evokes the signs of the nature of the worldly paradise, which the artist has given a heavenly effect by creating a circular composition and skillfully mixing colors.


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Available Online from 13 March 2024
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  • Revise Date: 28 October 2023
  • Accept Date: 30 October 2023