Reading and analyzing the carpet elements of the story of Zuleikha and Youssef based on Genet's theory of transtextuality

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Arak University, Faculty of Arts, Carpet Education Department.



Various literary theories represent diverse systems that have been revealed and gradually turned into a range of foundations in research for the purpose of reading, analyzing, interpreting and interpreting verbal and visual texts and intertextual relationships in literary and artistic works, understanding, receiving meanings and inner layers from the audience in the last one or two centuries. transtextuality is one of these theories that is used in a wide range of literary and artistic subjects. the core and essence of this theory is the connection of a text with other texts in the path of structuralism and post-structuralism, which started with Yulia (Julia) Kristeva and Roland Barthes and evolved with Gerard Genet. transtextuality is one of the desirable systems in the reading of art subjects (indigenous and traditional), widely used, and the religious pictorial carpets that became popular during the Qajar era, with narrative and pictorial texts as well as hidden and symbolic meanings, are among these subjects, it has a favorable capacity in the application of this theory and its approaches.their content is derived from religious texts that are decorated with various verbal and visual texts.the story of Yusuf and Zuleikha is a special example of religious stories, which, due to having story elements and dramatic themes and moral and social messages, has been one of the precursors for creating works of art (films and paintings) and literature (poems).Pictorial carpets centered on religious stories, which appear with influence and reference to past texts, represent the creation of a visual text made of other texts before it, without their existence and presence, a new work (text) cannot be created. this approach refers to Gérard Genet's theory of transtextuality, which consists of five approaches.
the purpose of this research is to investigate and analyze the relationships between the explicit and implicit texts of motifs and signs that shape the content and hidden meanings of the story of parties of Zuleikha and Youssef based on the three approaches of intertextuality, hypertextuality and paratextuality from the theory of transtextuality. the research questions include: 1. how are the verbal and written equivalents of the approaches of the theory of treament shown in the text of the carpet? 2. How are the relationships between the texts used in the formation of the elements and content structure and the hidden meanings of the carpet? This research is qualitative and theoretical and the research method is descriptive-analytical and the data collection method is library type. the summary of the research results shows that the carpet, while having written and visual (visual) elements and systems, has explicit and obvious intertextual relationships with religious stories, poems and poems, and it is considered as a precursor for other carpets similar to this theme and other carpets of parties Zuleikha that were produced after that. most of the texts of this work and visual narratives of the carpet border, fictional-pictorial religious carpets and the Qajar school of carpet weaving are among its paratexts.


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Articles in Press, Corrected Proof
Available Online from 13 January 2024
  • Receive Date: 22 July 2023
  • Revise Date: 14 November 2023
  • Accept Date: 15 November 2023