Comparative study the Stucco decorations discovered from historical city of Dareh Shahr With examples Available in Mosque of Nain

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA in Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran.

2 MA in Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Art, Art University of Esfahan, Esfahan, Iran.


Dareh Shahr has been located in the South West of Ilam province. Its histories establish goes back to the second century. The most important archaeological finds of it is the stucco decorations that in terms of aesthetics, composition of relief, and use of plant and geometric motifs are rare samples of this art in the early Islam. These Stuccoes are transfer Bridge of artistic achievements of the Sassanid era to the Islamic period. The aim of this article is identification and investigation of relief these Stuccoes and their comparison with samples of Nain Mosque to answer the following questions: What are the common relief of Stuccoes of these monuments? How Effectiveness and influences of Stucco decorations of these monuments had been? How is priority and posteriority of their Manufacturing relative to each other? The research method is comparison of descriptive and comparative that is based on library studies.  
Result indicate that there is much shares between Stuccoes of these two monuments in the field of plant and geometric motifs, the composition of motifs and types of loops. Use of Stucco plaques with plant motifs affected of Sassanid art in Dareh Shahr and cornice in nain mosque indicates that Stuccoes of Dareh Shar are older than samples of Nain and Manufacturers combination of Sassanid art ingredients in template of Islamic art traditions have created a new method for Stucco decorations.  

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