A comparative study of architectural features in the painting of Sultan Mohammad and Mir Musavvir from the palaces represented in Tahmasabi's Shahnameh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate, Department of Architecture, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.



The history of Islamic art and architecture of Iran has pictorial and visual documents, which have special and unique characteristics. One of these documents that can provide us with important information about the representation of past architectural spaces are miniatures. After the Herat period, the art of painting and miniature making was transferred to the Safavid sultans under the same conditions. In general, in Isfahan, the influence of European art was gradually felt in the court of Shah Abbas. This effectiveness was done in several ways: European works of art imported to Iran and direct contact with European artists living in Isfahan. In this way, the imaginary Iranian miniature painting was accompanied by a bright shadow and perspective and complete punctuation, and its objective and earthly aspect was overcome. In Safavid miniatures, the main theme is the glory and beauty of this period. The subjects of the miniatures are mostly centered around the courts of sultans, nobles, beautiful palaces, beautiful landscapes and scenes of wars. In order to understand and then to read the architectural spaces in the past with these miniatures, it is necessary to first know the characteristics and principles governing them and then, using the principles governing the architectural space, investigate how space is created in the works of the creators of this art. The purpose of the research is to represent the architectural features, including the structure of the architectural space and the elements used in the paintings of the palaces of Shahnameh Tahmasbi. In this regard, the research question is raised as follows: How is the structure of space and architectural elements represented in miniatures? The research method in this research is of descriptive-analytical type and information gathering in it is by using library and internet sources, the selection of images is based on the subject under study, i.e. the representation of architecture in palaces in the miniatures of Sultan Muhammad and Mirmsur from Tahmasbi's Shahnameh, and the findings were made using They have been analyzed from qualitative analysis and using tables. The findings of the research show that Iranian painters have depicted them by following the existing principles in Iranian architecture and knowingly, using conventional miniatures methods. Also, they have tried to represent palaces in their pictures by using the principles in architecture, namely the spatial structure of architecture, which includes spatial orientation, hierarchy and fluidity of space, and architectural elements, which include integrated and decorative elements, and the difference between the way of representing architecture In the miniatures of these two painters, there is the principle of fluidity of space and the principle of symbolism, both in the structure of space and in the architectural elements of palaces.


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Available Online from 08 April 2023
  • Receive Date: 03 October 2022
  • Revise Date: 07 February 2023
  • Accept Date: 27 February 2023