Study of the art of iconography in the court of Dolatshah, the ruler of Kermanshah during the Qajar period (1327-1203)

Document Type : Research Paper


alazhara assistant professor



Mohammad Ali Dolatshah, the ruler of Kermanshah, is the eldest son of Fath Ali Shah Qajar. During his reign in Kermanshah, he left valuable actions and services. In his court, art is as active as in the court of Tehran, and works of art such as lithography, painting, etc. can be seen. The subjects of these official and court works are influenced by Tehran. Research question: What are the works of art left from the court of Dolatshah and what are their characteristics? What is the similarity and connection with similar works of art in this period of Fath Ali Shah? Research method: In this research, it is descriptive-analytical and using library resources and the study of samples of lithographs, paintings and painted signs and the method of analyzing the works is based on visual principles and rules used in the art of iconography of Fath Ali Shah. Results: This study shows that the works of art left over from the era of Dolatshah were influenced by the formal art and court iconography of this period and were used as a historical document to record and show his power. In all his pictures, he is seen with the delegation of Fath Ali Shah and emphasizes his legitimacy to reach the monarchy.


Articles in Press, Corrected Proof
Available Online from 28 June 2022
  • Receive Date: 16 November 2021
  • Revise Date: 08 April 2022
  • Accept Date: 30 April 2022