Study of the Structure and Layout of the Opening Pages of the Holy Quran from the 5th to the 12th Centuries of the Hegira

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. in Art Studies, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz City,

2 Ph.D, Assistant professor, Art Faculty, Shahed University,


The arts of book owe their progress and development to the high status of the holy Quran and its authority for the Muslims. Following the advent of Islam in Iran, inscription and ornamentation of the Quranic pages gained an especial significance and the richest ornamentations and proportions appeared in the first pages of Quran manuscripts. Page layout is one of the dependent and significant arts of the book and Quran inscription which establishes a proportionate relationship between the components of a page. In this research the page layout principles in the opening pages of Quran manuscripts from the 5th to the 12th Centuries of the Hegira were studied to better identify the masterpieces of the Islamic art. The results of the research showed there are similar roots in divisions, proportions and compositions of the opening pages of Quran manuscripts from these periods which confirm that the layout traditions and achievements have been passed on. The opening pages of Quran manuscripts were significant in following harmonious and golden ratios, logical divisions and arrangements of the elements and using the possibilities of inscription and free spaces in organizing the pages. They were designed based on a geometric model. This paper was conducted using descriptive- analytical method, based on library sources and observation of the collected samples.


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