A Comparative Study of Symbols of Resistance in University Signs of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


PH.D. Associan prof. Art Research Departman of Alzahra University.Iran.Tehran.


Have the symbols of “resistance” been used in the contemporary university signs?
Basically, what Imagery the issue of resistance can have in the cultural environment of university?
University signs in addition to displaying corporate identity in a visual language should reflect the mission against ignorance. In fact the resistance against non-cultural assaults has been a substantial and ongoing task of scientific and academic centers. The purpose of this paper is to identify the symbols of 'resistance' in university signs if Iran in the last three decades. In this research based on library sources and web-based data, 20 samples of signs have been selected and comparatively studied in two groups. First 4 cases of the signs of social cultural institutions with corporate responsibility related to the resistance issue have been selected and the visual characteristics of resistance have been extracted from them. Then following the selection of 17 university signs containing resistance symbols from a Statistical population of more than 74 university signs they were studied. This article uses a descriptive method, statistical analysis and comparison of visual codes in two groups to identify the symbols of resistance. Findings indicate the use of resistance symbols is university signs; so that the most significant symbols of resistance are inspired by the architecture of Iranian Islamic art. The other notable result is the introduction of two major graphical styles in the design of the contemporary signs of Iran, in both of which, the symbols of “resistance” are illustrated in the studied signs with a visual code.
A-A “compound- iconic” style with a traditional approach
B- An “analytical-abstract” style or movement with modern approach 
